Django with Angular2 Tutorial -part 2

Django with Angular2 Tutorial - Rendering templates

This tutorial is the sequel of Django with Angular2 Tutorial - Getting Started. You would get a better understanding by reading the above if you are starting to integrate Angular2 with Django.

Part 2 focuses on rendering django context variables and angular2 string interpolation in same html file.

As far as my experience jinja2 stands as a best templating engine for django. Some benchmarks even say that Jinja2’s performance is 20 times of that of django. Although django templating engine is good, I prefer Jinja2 for its performance and features.

Both Angular2 and jinja2 has {{ }} syntax in their templates. Luckily jinja2 offers to change those syntax. Not sure that Django would provide this.

Into Action

The best practice is to seperate frontend templating from backend and make Angular standalone app.

So do this only when you have a clear requirement to integrate Django templating with Angular templating engine.

Continuing from the first part of this tutorial series. .

Download the source code HERE.

First install Jinja2 in the virtualenv

pip install jinja2

In file add jinja2 in template backend.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
        'DIRS': ['jinja2'],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'variable_start_string': '[{',
            'variable_end_string': '}]',
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',

Note the OPTIONS in the Jinja2 backend. We are changing the default jinja2 delimiter from {{ }} to [{ }]. This is to ensure that there is no conflict between the default jinja2 delimiter and angular2 interpolation.

import {Component} from "@angular/core";
  templateUrl: '/sample/ng/'
export class DjangoComponent{


In app.routes.ts

import {DjangoComponent} from "./django.component";

and create a route

{ path: 'djcomponent', component: DjangoComponent },

Also add the below line inside nav tag app.component.ts

<a routerLink="/djcomponent" routerLinkActive="active">Django Component</a>

In add the following class.

class NgTemplateView(View):
	def get(self, request):
		return render(request, 'template.html', {"django_variable": "This is django context variable"})

In add the line under ngurls

url(r'^ng/$', NgTemplateView.as_view(), name='ngTemplate'),

Now create a folder inside the app folder named jinja2 create template file template.html.

cd /path/to/app/
mkdir jinja2
cd jinja2
touch templae.html

Now in template.html paste the following content.

Jinja2 Template with variales from django and angular.
[{ django_variable }]
{{ ngVariable }}

Start Django server and npm server.

Visit http://localhost:8000/djcomponent

Happy Coding :)

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